Wednesday, January 19, 2011

major embarrassment

Today has been quite a surprise. The weather forecasted stated the weather would be in the mid-70s, oh and yes it was, for like two hours! I walk to school in a dress and feel fine. Then, coming out of first period, a gust of wind chills me and I race my way into my next class. To make matters worse, I left material I needed for second period in the music room, so I had to run there and run back, looking very unprofessional. Fourth period, oh fourth period. I was peacefully sitting on the risers, when suddenly I felt slight instability in one of my leg chairs, for around seven seconds, and then I came crashing to the floor! I suffered major embarrassment, because I feel like my dress flew up too! Thank god I wasn't injured, and neither was my violin. I didn't see that coming, is all I can say.

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